26 / Peinture / Loeiza Jacq

Chambre 26

Thème : Arles et la Peinture​​​

« Peinture »

Painting is the photographic work of an Arlesian painter. This photograph is a macrophotographic detail that brings to the fore the texture, which as such composes a new work, but this time an abstract one.

Loeiza Jacq


Before going into photography, Loeïza Jacq practiced in Great Brittain. She holds a Master in Theaterand a diploma on Shakespeare from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Her résumé probably explains her peculiar photographic approach which invites the visitor to share an experience that associates images with sound or with an installation. Loeïza Jacq holds a diploma from the Arles Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Photographie (ENSP) since 2013.

All the artworks of CALENDAL FOCUS